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Part a—Lecture 2

Today we focus on programming that involves loops: executing the same code multiple times.

do loops in Fortran

In Fortran, the basic loop construct is the do loop:

! prints numbers 1, 2, ..., 5
implicit none
integer i

do i = 1, 5
    print *, i



Fortran will run the code between do and enddo statements for every value in the provided range (1, 5 stands for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) assigned to variable i. The above code is equivalent to

! prints numbers 1, 2, ..., 5
implicit none
integer i

! unrolled do loop
print *, 1
print *, 2
print *, 3
print *, 4
print *, 5


You can add a third number in the range that specifies that some numbers should be skipped.

! prints numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
implicit none
integer i

!             👇 step size (default 1)
do i = 1, 10, 2
    print *, i



Note that 10 does not appear.

The loop variable (i in the above example) should be an integer. It is tempting to use a real variable at times, but this gives a warning when compiling.

implicit none
real x

do x = -1,1,0.5
    print *, x

$ gfortran code/do-loop-real.f90

    4 | do x = -1,1,0.5
      |   1
Warning: Deleted feature: Loop variable at (1) must be integer

    4 | do x = -1,1,0.5
      |            1
Warning: Deleted feature: Step expression in DO loop at (1) must be integer

The code still works if you run it, but it is probably better to use an integer variable for looping and compute the real value from it. You can also avoid weird issues caused by rounding of real numbers. The following code produces the same output, and Fortran is happy.

implicit none
integer i
real x

do i = 0, 4
    x = -1 + 0.5 * i
    print *, x


Loops can be nested. This is useful when we need to run a code for all pairs (triples, etc.) of values. It is a good idea to indent the code in each inner loop to make it easier to read.

Example 1.

! Prints the coordinates of the vertices of a unit cube
implicit none
integer x, y, z

do x = 0, 1
    do y = 0, 1
        do z = 0, 1
            print *, x, y, z


           0           0           0
           0           0           1
           0           1           0
           0           1           1
           1           0           0
           1           0           1
           1           1           0
           1           1           1

Example 2.

! Prints the truth table of logical OR and logical AND
! for all possible inputs.
implicit none
integer i, j, or, and

print *, '          a |           b |      a OR b |     a AND b'
print *, '------------------------------------------------------'
do i = 0, 1
    do j = 0, 1
        ! logical or: at least one is 1
        if (i + j >= 1) then
            or = 1
            or = 0
        ! logical and: both are 1
        if (i + j >= 2) then
            and = 1
            and = 0
        print *, i, "|", j, "|", or, "|", and


           a |           b |      a OR b |     a AND b
           0 |           0 |           0 |           0
           0 |           1 |           1 |           0
           1 |           0 |           1 |           0
           1 |           1 |           1 |           1

Example 3.

! Prints a nice multiplication table.
! Also shows how to format output.
implicit none
integer a, b

do a = 1, 9
    do b = 1, 9
        !         👇I2: integer of width 2 characters
        !            👇A: a string (we use it to print the comma ',')
        !                👇advance='no': do not insert a new line
        write(*,'(I2,A)',advance='no') a * b, ','
    ! new line
    write(*,*) '' 


 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 
 2, 4, 6, 8,10,12,14,16,18, 
 3, 6, 9,12,15,18,21,24,27, 
 4, 8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36, 

It is possible to stop a loop early using the exit statement. This following pattern is common when searching for the first value that satisfies a certain condition.

Example 4.

! Computes the square root of an integer by trying all possible values.
! (Not a great algorithm... use built-in function sqrt :) )
implicit none
integer i, n, c

print*, 'Enter an integer'
read*, n

c = 0   ! initialize the flag
do i = 0, n
    if (i * i == n) then
        print*,'Square root of', n, 'is', i
        ! No need to continue checking, we stop the loop.
        ! We keep a **flag** to avoid printing a message after the loop.
        c = 1

if (c == 0) then
    ! value 0 indicates that we haven't found a square root
    print*, n, 'does not have an integer square root'


Common do loop algorithm

Loops are great for doing calculations with a sequence of numbers.

As a concrete example, let us consider the finite sequence a_i = i(5 - i), \qquad i =1, \ldots, 10

Let us start with the sum. How do we express the sum a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n as a sequence of commands with a common pattern? Since the order of additions does not matter, we usually perform them from left to right:

(\cdots (((a_1 + a_2) + a_3) + a_4) \cdots +a_n)

So we are performing a sequence of additions \begin{aligned} s_2 &= a_1 + a_2\\ s_3 &= s_2 + a_3\\ s_4 &= s_3 + a_4\\ &\vdots\\ s_n &= s_{n-1} + a_n \end{aligned}

And s_n is the final answer. We can see a nice pattern in the sequence of computations. The first one s_2 = a_1 + a_2 is a bit special, but the rest is just s_i = s_{i-1} + a_i.

When writing this as a sequence of commands for a computer, we want to first think about what values we need to remember so that we can declare necessary variables.

With this we can write the code that computes the sum for a_i = i(5-i), i = 1, \ldots, 10 in our example.

! Sum: version 1
implicit none
integer s

s = 1 * (5 - 1) + 2 * (5 - 2)
s = s + 3 * (5 - 3)
s = s + 4 * (5 - 4)
s = s + 5 * (5 - 5)
s = s + 6 * (5 - 6)
s = s + 7 * (5 - 7)
s = s + 8 * (5 - 8)
s = s + 9 * (5 - 9)
s = s + 10 * (5 - 10)

print *, s

This works, but it is rather annoying. What if we want to compute the sum of million of terms, or the number of terms depends on the size of input data? Of course we should use a do loop. We introduce a loop variable, say i, and put the common statements in a loop.

! Sum: version 2
implicit none
integer s, i

s = 1 * (5 - 1) + 2 * (5 - 2)
do i = 3, 10
    s = s + i * (5 - i)

print *, s

Much better. The computer does exactly the same sequence of commands and in the same order as before, but it is much more readable and we need to write the formula for a_i only 3 times. Can we do even better?

Yes. We can rewrite the step s \leftarrow a_1 + a_2 as \begin{aligned} s &\leftarrow 0\\ s &\leftarrow s + a_1\\ s &\leftarrow s + a_2 \end{aligned}

This simplifies the first step of the algorithm to s \leftarrow 0 and the two following steps can be then included in the loop.

! Sum: version 3
implicit none
integer s, i

s = 0
!     👇 starting from 1 now
do i = 1, 10
    s = s + i * (5 - i)

print *, s

Exercise 1. Change the code to compute the product of a_i = i(5-i), i = 1, \ldots, 10.

What about the maximum \max(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)?

To use the same algorithm as before, we observe that we can write it as \max(\ldots\max(\max(a_1, a_2), a_3), \ldots, a_n)

so we can compute the maximum as \begin{aligned} m &\leftarrow \max(a_1, a_2)\\ m &\leftarrow \max(m, a_3)\\ m &\leftarrow \max(m, a_4)\\ &\vdots\\ m &\leftarrow \max(m, a_n)\\ \end{aligned} The first step can be rewritten as \begin{aligned} m &\leftarrow a_1\\ m &\leftarrow \max(m, a_2)\\ \end{aligned}

We could also try to rewrite it as \begin{aligned} m &\leftarrow -\infty\\ m &\leftarrow \max(m, a_1)\\ m &\leftarrow \max(m, a_2) \end{aligned}

However, -\infty is a not a valid value of an integer in Fortran. We could replace it by a “sufficiently” small number instead or even the smallest possible integer -2^{31}. This depends on the sequence.

Finally, it is left to implement m \leftarrow \max(m, a_i) in Fortran. Here we can use the if condition

if (ai > m) then
    m = ai

or the built-in max function:

m = max(m, ai)

Here is the complete code:

! Find the maximum of a simple sequence.
implicit none
integer m, ai, i

! set m to a_1
m = 1 * (5 - 1)
!      👇 starting from 2
do i = 2, 10
    ai = i * (5 - i)
    if (ai > m) then
        m = ai

print *, m

Sometimes we want to know which element is largest, that is, the value of i such that a_i = \max(a_1, \ldots, a_n). This is sometimes called arg max. There can be multiple such i, in which case we need to decide whether to find all of them, or only the first one, …

We can modify the above algorithm to keep track of for which i we update m. This will return the smallest i so that a_i is equal to the maximum.

! Find the index of the largest element: argmax
implicit none
integer m, ai, i, im

! set m to a_1
m = 1 * (5 - 1)
! position of the largest element is initialized to 1
im = 1
!      👇 starting from 2
do i = 2, 10
    ai = i * (5 - i)
    if (ai > m) then
        m = ai
        ! remember i when m is updated
        im = i

print *, im

Exercise 2. How do you need to modify the previous program to return the largest i so that a_i is equal to the maximum?


The algorithm in this section can be used whenever the computation can be written as an initialization step s \leftarrow value followed by a sequence of steps s \leftarrow f(s, i).

Next time we will see that some numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations are in this form.

Short report problems

Exercise 3.

Write a program that reads a positive integer a_0 from the standard input and prints the first 10 elements of the Collatz sequence starting from a_0 defined by the recurrence formula

a_i = \begin{cases} a_{i-1}/2 & \text{if } a_{i-1} \text{ is even},\\ 3a_{i-1} + 1 & \text{if } a_{i-1} \text{ is odd}. \end{cases}

Your code does not need to check that the entered integer is positive.

Submit the code to the Acanthus portal.

Example if a_0 = 12:

$ ./a.exe
 Enter a positive integer

Exercise 4. Modify the program in the previous exercise that prints the maximum of the 10 elements of the Collatz sequence (a_0 is not included).

Submit the code to the Acanthus portal.

$ ./a.exe
 Enter a positive integer
$ ./a.exe
 Enter a positive integer

Other exercises

Exercise 5. Write a program that reads an integer and prints whether it is a prime number (素数) or not (i.e., only divisible by 1 and itself: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, …).

$ ./a.exe
 Enter an integer
 Not a prime
$ ./a.exe
 Enter an integer
 Not a prime
$ ./a.exe
 Enter an integer
 Prime number
$ ./a.exe
 Enter an integer
 Prime number

Exercise 6. Write a program that reads a nonnegative integer n and prints F_n, then n-th element of the Fibonacci sequence given by \begin{aligned} F_0 &= 0\\ F_1 &= 1\\ F_i &= F_{i-2} + F_{i-1}, \qquad i = 2, 3, \ldots \end{aligned}